
Power Girls!

Fun, Sweat and Skill! Designed for girls ages 6 and above, PG classes teach principles and techniques of Shuri-ryu karate, Modern Arnis, and self defense using age-appropriate training exercises along with fun and motivational games. Girls discover the power of their bodies, learn to use their voices, and cultivate their awareness in a safe, supportive and fun environment. Power Girls earn junior belt promotions through regular class participation.

The Power Girls Promise

I promise the Power girls Promise

of respect for myself and my art

I take what I learn to help me grow strong

Courageous, Compassionate, Bold

I can take time out

I can talk things out

I can use my breath to calm down

I'm thinking of someone I trust right now

Someone who knows what I mean

If I'm feeling unsettled, I'm never alone

I can reach out whenever I need

Power Girls!
